is a small, privately-managed Independent Company duly registered
with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a legally-operating business entity engaged and specializing in
the sales, marketing, and promotion of the Travel and Hospitality industry and related Services,
in general, but is acting as the Marketing arm of TravelKonsult- a Philippine-based Company with its
own large network of Independent Travel Contractors / Tour Operators.
Ever dreamed of becoming a professional Travel Agent?... now you can try yourself out.
If you like to travel and is endowed with the ability as a "seller of dreams", join us in our team as one of our member-network
of Independent Travel Contractors.
Just give us a call, or better still- drop us a short message to express your interest and
we'll get in touch with you.
PhilWorld Travel Resources is an Affiliate-Partner of:
a U.S.-based Host Agency to which we are affiliated with since 2006.
Registered with the Borough of Fleetwood:
Network-Team Coordinator
Tour Organizer-Travel Manager
EDWIN V. GATIA receiving a book copy from the author, Dr.
Martha Honey, Executive Director of The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) during the "TravelExpo2005"
held in New York City.
Mr. Gatia is also a member of the Society since 2005.
Playing with a baby croc at the Everglades National Park in Florida...
As nature photographer....
Mr. Gatia is also a member of the American Society of Travel Agents
(ASTA) under the Future Travel Professional category.
Identification No: 900167022